You have made an excellent choice. This vendor scored highly in several areas covered by Magellan. Including country support, employment types covered and payment methods. Learn more about this awesome company below and schedule time to speak with one of their representatives with the click of a button.
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Need To Hire In-Country Fast?

Procorre Global offers a comprehensive range of global solutions including Professional Employer Organization (PEO), Employer of Record and Global Employment Outsourcing services. We allow you to expand your business and hire personnel overseas fast, without a local entity in-country. Book Appointment

Who is Procorre?

Operating in over 120 countries and in a multitude of sectors Procorre is a global management consultancy comprised of over 1,000 highly skilled professional consultants. Operating in over 120 countries and in a multitude of sectors, Procorre have worked with a substantial range of global clients by providing the best expertise, and regularly leave behind a legacy of excellence when completing projects for clients. Learn More

What exactly is a PEO?

As a PEO, we act as the third-party Employer of Record on behalf of the client. This means, all HR related functions including payroll, tax, risk management and employee placement and retention are taken care of, with your employee’s satisfaction at the core, whilst you still maintain full control of your employee’s day to day tasks.
Frequently Asked Questions

What is a global employer of record (EOR)?

An EOR is a company that has a network of entities around the world to compliantly employ and pay workers on behalf of clients. They provide client companies a way to quickly hire workers in new international markets without the cost and risk of establishing an entity in a foreign country.

When should you use an EOR?

How we charge?

Why is a PEO a better alternative than managing the work in-house?

The number of specific requirements that need to be set up and maintained for a business to become a fully compliant entity in another country can seem endless. Book Appointment